Welcome to the Gnipieven Tekombo Foundation, a non-profit foundation
The purpose of our foundation is to provide medical care for people and sustainable development for countries in Africa. The foundation also promotes knowledge transfer and know-how sharing between Europe and the African continent in medical issues and in sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals).
This purpose will initially be realised through the construction of a modern clinic in Bikok, Cameroon.
The Gnipieven Tekombo Foundation is supported by donations and the commitment of volunteers. With this effort we want to improve the health care in Cameroon in a sustainable way.
Gnipieven Tekombo Foundation
Taubengasse 18
53840 Troisdorf

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Questions about the Foundation?
You have several ways to contact us
Give us a call:
+49 (0) 176 70139856
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Donate and become part of the aid chain
Call us: +49 (0) 176 70139856
The goal of our foundation
As in most Third World countries, the health system in Cameroon is dismal. In Germany, one doctor cares for 300 inhabitants (and that is partly insufficient). In rural Cameroon, one doctor is responsible for 12,000 inhabitants. Unfortunately, many African countries lack the necessary specialists. An average hospital in Germany employs more surgeons than there are in the whole of Cameroon.
The number of hospitals in Cameroon is negligible, so patients sometimes have to travel long distances to reach the hospital. In addition, as in many African countries, the motto “pay first, treat later” still applies. The government pays for the staff, the facilities and the equipment of public hospitals. The patient himself pays for the consumables needed for an operation. If a patient has no money, medical care is not guaranteed or inadequate. Even in cases of fatal injuries, doctors do not make exceptions.
No one should die in this world from a relatively “harmless” disease just because she or he did not have access to adequate medical care or medication!
What happens with your donations in Africa?
The Gnipieven Tekombo Foundation will use your donations to finance the construction of the hospital in Yaoundé (Cameroon) and to ensure the running of this hospital after its completion. We are grateful for your support!
Our projects
Ado Matter
The Hospital Information System
The Hospital Information System Our goal is always to make the best possible decision to meet people's individual needs. This already starts with the planning. The Hospital Information System Our foundation is collaborating with a Cameroonian start-up in the...
The disposal system
The disposal system Our goal is always to make the best possible decision to meet people's individual needs. This already starts with the planning. Disposal concept The disposal of medical waste in Cameroon is also a major problem. Many hospitals dispose of their...
The architecture of the Centre Médical
Architektur Das Centre Médical Dr. Gnipieven Tekombo wird auf dem Baugrundstück der Stiftung Centre Médical Dr. Gnipieven Tekombo im ruhigen Gebiet Bikok, circa 25 min vom Zentrum der Hauptstadt Yaoundé entfernt, gebaut....